Memory Delta Wiki

Colonel Kira Nerys

Colonel is the highest commissioned officer rank in a number of military organizations. A colonel is equivalent in rank to a naval officer rank of captain.

Bajoran Militia[]

The Bajoran Militia has several grades of colonel, including the rank of field colonel.

Day Kannu's field colonel insignia.
Day Kannu's field colonel insignia.
Kira Nerys's colonel insignia.
Kira Nerys's colonel insignia.
Lenaris Holem's colonel insignia.
Lenaris Holem's colonel insignia.
Li Nalas's navarch insignia.
Li Nalas's navarch insignia.

Positions and Lists[]

Grades noted where known.

United States Military Forces colonels[]

A colonel and a lieutenant colonel are both addressed as "colonel" in the US system. The two ranks are between major and brigadier general.

  • Amber, commander of the Regimental Volunteers lost at the Siege of Las Vegas.
  • Robert Argon
  • Thaddius Riker (Union Army)
  • George Taylor

Bajoran Militia colonels[]

A colonel and a field colonel are both addressed as "Colonel." The two ranks are between major and general. After Bajor joined the United Federation of Planets, Bajoran colonels transferred to Starfleet with ranks of Captain.

Danteri colonels[]

  • Danteri Colonel Gastornis, chief administrator of Rava One

Empire of Thrace colonels[]

  • Hereditary Colonel Jaral Stephanopoulos

Klingon Defense Force colonels[]

  • Worf

Romulan Star Empire colonels[]

  • Laratos
  • Lovok
  • Selik
  • Hakeev
  • Veelak

Starfleet and Federation colonels[]

  • Anchar Ahab
  • Benjamin Kirk
  • Todd Johnson
  • Wilhelm Mann'dela
  • Patrick West

Starfleet Marine Corps[]


Dates listed are first appearence or mention at that rank except as noted. Grades noted where known.


  • Amber (Assumed to be US Army)


  • Danteri Colonel Gastornis


Late 2374[]

